Sunday, December 18, 2011

LLC’s, Corporations, And Other Business Structures - Part I: Written By New York Entertainment Lawyer And LLC Counsel John J. Tormey III, Esq.

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq. – Entertainment Lawyer, Entertainment Attorney
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1324 Lexington Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)

LLC’s, Corporations, And Other Business Structures - Part I: Written By New York Entertainment Lawyer And LLC Counsel John J. Tormey III, Esq.
© John J. Tormey III, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.

This article is not intended to, and does not constitute, legal advice with respect to your particular situation and fact pattern. Do secure counsel promptly, if you see any legal issue looming on the horizon which may affect your career or your rights. What applies in one context, may not apply to the next one. Make sure that you seek individualized legal advice as to any important matter pertaining to your career or your rights generally.

While many artists continue to do business as individuals, there often comes a point in their career when it makes sense to ascend to the next level - to create a business, to create a company, usually in this day and age a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation, with its own name and identity. In the fields of arts and entertainment, this process is often handled by and through an entertainment lawyer, and is often the first reason for which a new client seeks counsel. If you are an artist who has reached that point in your career, or even if you have already surpassed it and want to revisit your decision, then this article is for you. I am a New York entertainment lawyer who regularly handles corporate and LLC matters and my contact information appears below.

1. Choosing a Name For A New Business

If one is choosing a structure for a small business, there are a number of different types of business entities that can be formed. At minimum, one likely will need to assess the relative merits of the subchapter-”S” corporation (“S-corp”); the subchapter-“C” corporation (“C-corp”); and the limited liability company (“LLC”). This choice will be described in more detail, below, and in Part II and Part II of this Article. But the first issues one should address, also typically addressed with and through one’s entertainment lawyer, are the trademark considerations which may arise as a result of the chosen name for the limited liability company (LLC), corporation, or other form of company.

“Fanciful” (i.e., fictitious) new business names for a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, or other form of entity should be searched as trademarks, especially in fields like entertainment where name recognition can be so important. Entertainment lawyers will routinely search and then issue opinions on proposed trademarks of properties for clients, including trademark-searches on LLC names and corporation names themselves. Why go through this process? Because a new LLC, corporation, or other form of business needs to confirm that no other businesses have prior rights or viable claims to its newly-proposed name (or a name substantially similar to its newly-proposed name). In any event, one may be barred from registering a corporate, LLC, or other business name, if someone else has already registered the same name in the jurisdiction in which the entity-filing is intended. Moreover, if one’s business is intended to ultimately be national or international in scope, as is often the case in entertainment-related and Internet-related LLC’s and corporations, a careful trademark search conducted through one’s entertainment lawyer becomes all the more important. One doesn’t want to invest sweat and equity in a fanciful business name, only to later find out that he or she is legally prevented from using it, or is unable to stop others from infringing on the newly-chosen business name.

Principal owners of a new business do sometimes elect to incorporate or form a limited liability company (LLC) under their own legal and given name (i.e., “John Doe, Inc., or “John Doe LLC”), instead of a fanciful name, in the hopes of saving money that they would otherwise spend on a trademark search through an entertainment lawyer. But there are at least two potential drawbacks to doing so:

Incorporating or forming a limited liability company (LLC) under one’s given name often makes it more difficult to later successfully develop a separate and distinct brand identity for one’s products and services.

Incorporating or forming a limited liability company (LLC) under one’s given name (or even a variant thereof) marginally increases the chances that a court may be inclined to let a plaintiff “pierce” one’s “corporate veil” in a litigation, if the “corporate veil” issue ever arises. “Piercing” means “finding individual economic liability” on the part of the owner/principal. The plaintiff’s argument would be that a self-titled corporation (or LLC) is more likely to be the “alter ego” of its individual principal. Now, although the odds of one’s “veil” being “pierced” may not be that high - assuming that the business owner observes all other corporate or LLC filings and formalities up until that point - the risk of individual liability is still worth mentioning. After all, for many people, the avoidance of “personal liability” and the avoidance of possible “veil piercing” is the whole reason for their incorporating or forming an LLC in the first instance.

What do I mean by “personal liability”? That is probably the most important legal concept that a limited liability company (LLC) owner, corporation owner, or other form of business owner will ever seek to avoid! Please read the next installment of this article.

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My law practice as an entertainment attorney includes incorporations and the formation of limited liability companies (LLC’s), as well as work relating to trademarks and service marks. If you have questions about legal issues which affect your career, and require representation, please contact me:

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq.
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1324 Lexington Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)

Business Structures - Part I

Title Metatag:
LLC, entertainment lawyer, corporation, limited liability company

Meta Description:
LLC,entertainment attorney,corporation,limited liability company,New York,entertainment lawyer,record label, start-up

business entities,corporation,entertainment attorney,entertainment lawyer,incorporation,legal services,limited liability company,limited liability companies,LLC,LLC’s,New York lawyer,start-up

business, entertainment attorney, entertainment lawyer, business structures, LLC, entertainment lawyer, corporation, limited liability company, LLC, entertainment attorney, corporation, limited liability company, New York, entertainment lawyer, record label, start up, business entities, corporation, incorporation, legal services, limited liability company, limited liability companies, LLC, LLCs, New York lawyer, start up business


Friday, December 16, 2011

LLC’s, Corporations, And Other Business Structures - Part II: Written By New York Entertainment Attorney And LLC Counsel John J. Tormey III, Esq.

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq. – Entertainment Lawyer, Entertainment Attorney
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1324 Lexington Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)

LLC’s, Corporations, And Other Business Structures - Part II: Written By New York Entertainment Attorney And LLC Counsel John J. Tormey III, Esq.
© John J. Tormey III, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.

This article is not intended to, and does not constitute, legal advice with respect to your particular situation and fact pattern. Do secure counsel promptly, if you see any legal issue looming on the horizon which may affect your career or your rights. What applies in one context, may not apply to the next one. Make sure that you seek individualized legal advice as to any important matter pertaining to your career or your rights generally.

Part I of this article discussed the process of selecting a new name for a business, typically a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation in this day and age. Many people choose to incorporate or form an LLC, so as to minimize their personal liability for the debts, liabilities, and obligations of their business. There is cost to forming an entity, but the cost is often worth it. What follows is a brief discussion of “personal liability”, and the types of entities that may be available. These types of issues regarding corporations and limited liability companies (LLC’s) are often brought to an entertainment attorney such as myself in the context of new entertainment venture start-up companies and otherwise, but are in fact universal concerns across manifold sectors and industries besides entertainment.

2. Choosing an Entity.

A full description of all the differences between an S-corporation (S-corp), a C-corporation (C-corp), and a limited liability company (LLC) would be beyond the scope of this article. Besides, the distinctions are often altered - some would say “blurred” - by changes in the Internal Revenue Code and state laws. Even by the time you read this article, further changes to relevant tax laws and state laws may be made, further affecting your entity choice as between a limited liability company (LLC), a corporation, or other available form of entity such as a partnership or trust. The bottom line is that a choice of entity should be made upon current information only, with the assistance of a lawyer and an accountant. To do it any other way is to risk making a bad choice that one will later regret, especially when the first or successive tax returns relating to the LLC or corporation are filed. Though in this day and age an entertainment attorney will typically be asked to form and file a limited liability company (LLC) rather than an alternate form of entity in the context of a new media or entertainment business start-up, the choice of entity should still be carefully examined by the entertainment attorney and the business-owner at the outset – just as it should be carefully examined in any other sector or industry.

The distinctions between an S-corp, C-corp, and limited liability company (LLC) make sense when taken in the historical perspective. Look at them as the product of a kind of Darwinian evolution. In that vein, the S-corp and C-corp may someday become but extinct historical artifacts, while the LLC could become the only entity “fittest” to survive. The LLC may be the best choice of entity - if affordable, and if one is not otherwise precluded from forming it by virtue of one’s own tax profile or one’s home state’s current restrictions on LLC’s.

At some point in history it was realized that persons involved in businesses could be thereby putting their own personal assets at risk as a result. That principle still applies, by the way. If one runs an unincorporated or non-LLC business out of one’s house, that business owner may risk later losing that same house, not to mention cars, bank accounts, and other assets, to the debts, liabilities and obligations of one’s business. This is what “personal liability” is all about. A business owner wants to avoid personal liability, at all costs. The owner wants to shield his or her assets - like a house, cars, and personal bank accounts - from the risks engendered by the business. For these reasons, understandable and common to all humanity, the concept of a corporation was first formulated, many years ago. Rights deals in the context of film, music, television, and publishing, particularly, tend to be liability-evocative, and so it is not uncommon for an entertainment attorney to first focus on the structure of the business vehicle through which the deal is intended to run, before looking at the proposed deal itself.

The traditional and old-fashioned form of corporation in the U.S. still exists as of this writing - in the form of the C-corporation, named after a “Subchapter-C” in the Internal Revenue Code. When properly filed and maintained, the C-corp shields the business-owner/principal from personal liability. For example, if there is US$10,000 in the C-corp’s corporate bank account, then, in theory, only that US$10,000 amount can be used to satisfy a civil (court) judgment against the corporation - even if the President and sole shareholder of the corporation has an additional $50,000 in his/her personal bank account. A “wall”, “shield”, or “veil” is put up between the two sets of assets.

But the C-corp posed historical problems, principally that of so-called “double taxation”. Those C-corp owners filed corporate tax returns as well as individual tax returns. The unsuspecting were thereupon often disheartened to find out that they were subjected to an extra tax hit. The C-corp would be taxed on corporate earnings. In addition, the shareholders could also be taxed personally on monies withdrawn from the corporation by way of dividends. The net effect wasn’t always necessarily a 100% increase in otherwise-prevailing tax (as the somewhat-misleading phrase “double taxation” might otherwise suggest). But, on the other hand, the monies generated by the C-corp were required to filter through two “layers” of taxation as opposed to one.

In this regard, a number of business owners, including some in the entertainment business, realized that they would have oddly been better off from a tax perspective if not incorporated - a bizarre result if there ever was one. Why should the tax code and state corporation law encourage you to take unacceptable personal risk, after all? Some persons thereupon decided to simply not incorporate (or “un-incorporate”, dissolving a pre-existing corporation), and thereupon take the oft-significant risk of individual liability so as to minimize taxes. If continued, one would expect the rate of commercial litigations and personal bankruptcies to rise as result, an event which in no way would be in the public interest. Other persons instead opted out of corporate and business ownership entirely. As an entertainment attorney practicing in New York, I still encounter many companies who have yet to incorporate or form a limited liability company (LLC) – they are typically either sole proprietorships or de facto partnerships, the risks of which their principals are still assuming personal liability whether aware of it or not.

The next installment of this article will address how society responded to the growing dissatisfaction with the C-corp - namely, the creation of the S-corp and the limited liability company (LLC) thereafter.

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to return to the main Articles page.

My entertainment law practice includes incorporations and the formation of limited liability companies (LLC’s). If you have questions about legal issues which affect your career, and require representation, please contact me:

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq.
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1324 Lexington Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)

Business Structures - Part II

Title Metatag:
corporation,entertainment attorney,LLC,limited liability company

Meta Description:
LLC,entertainment lawyer,corporation,limited liability company,New York,entertainment attorney,film production, start-up

business entities,corporation,entertainment attorney,entertainment lawyer,incorporation,legal services,limited liability company,limited liability companies,LLC,LLC’s,New York lawyer,

start-up business, entertainment attorney, entertainment lawyer, business structures, corporation, entertainment attorney, LLC, limited liability company, LLC, entertainment lawyer, corporation, limited liability company, New York, entertainment attorney, film production, start up, business entities, corporation, incorporation, legal services, limited liability company, limited liability companies, LLC, LLCs, New York lawyer, start up business